Ask the importance of insect nettings from those who live
mostly in the marshy or those areas where there the mosquitoes and other
insects are in abundance. In rainy or monsoon season the demand of these
nettings increase many fold and people dearly want it to save themselves from
deadly diseases.
These diseases include,
- Malaria
- Dengue
- Yellow fever
- Chikungunya
- West Nile virus
- Filariasis and lot more
Malaria and dengue are two of the most deadly diseases in
the world so to stay safe and away from the mosquito bites people need to make
sure they do these little but important things.
Usually two types of nettings are used to stay safe from the
mosquito bites and other insects that can cause diseases.
The conventional nets are made from a normal mesh. Usually
they are treated by dipping them in the pyrethroid solution which is known to be
an insecticide. This dipping is either done by the health workers or the
domestic users themselves.
Conventional nettings need to be dipped again in the
insecticide after three washes or after 6 months to make sure that they are
effective against the insects especially mosquito or not.
Long lasting insecticidal nettings are normally treated in
the factories. Basically the fibres of these nettings are coated by the
insecticides to make them effective against insects. The main advantage of
these nettings is that they are equally effective even after 20 washes.
Another big advantage of LLINs is that they don’t need to be
treated with insecticides or dipped because insecticide once coated on them
stays for a life time. These are the reasons why they are the most sold ones
all around the world.